Where's your deep water?

What invitations are challenging you lately?
Which ones intrigue you?
Which ones shimmer with some kind of holy?

That might be your deep water.

The space where Spirit invites you to risk, develop more trust, and offer something of yourself to the world.

Problem is, many humans are fairly content in the kiddie pool. They can see the bottom, it looks easy and fun, and it’s not that challenging.

But there’s no real growth in the kiddie pool. We don’t have to work our muscles and get stronger. It’s likely a small pool with little opportunity to discover new terrain. It’s pretty difficult to float in, so you can really just hang out and chill.

For those of you growing restless in the kiddie pool, here’s something to consider.

What used to be your deep water may now be your kiddie pool.

What used to be challenging and unknown is now known and fairly easy.

What used to be shrouded in mystery and possibility is now something you accomplished. Figured out. It feels comfortable now.

I know it gets confusing when other people look at your life and think you're good right where you're at.

But I also know there may be a chance that your kiddie pool is their deep water. And not because you are miles ahead of anyone, just because this is your path of growth. No one knows it but you.

I see the tension.
The questions.
The curiosity.
The frustration.

I see you making a list of why the kiddie pool is just fine.


So friend, when you stand at the edge of the kiddie pool and gaze longingly at the deep water, what does your soul say?

Palms up.

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