What is the palms up life?

Palms up is a simple sustainable rhythm to hold your life. This framework helps us learn to trust our inner wisdom. It can be used in any situation, at any time. What invitation might it offer today?

Show Up. We show up to our lives, mess and all. To what we'd rather ignore some days. We choose to stop hiding.

Pay Attention. We pay attention to what's going on around us. What's being said & not being said. We become expert noticers.

Cooperate with God. Love is already at work all around us. We're not bringing God to people. We notice Love is already at work and we choose to cooperate.

Release the Outcome. We let go of needing to know or force outcomes. We trust that Love is holding it, and that's enough. Love gets more room to work.



Who is palms up for?

Are you trying to make a decision and things feel fuzzy?

Is it time to see your life from a new perspective?

Are you experiencing anxiety post-pandemic and looking for a daily practice to ground you?

Are you figuring out how to recover a particularly difficult season of life?

Do you want to live a more awake and aware life?

Do you want to become more healthy in your emotional, mental, physical & spiritual health?

Are you curious to explore spirituality and faith in a new way?

If any of this resonates in your spirit, I invite you to subscribe to our newsletter or to book a Palms Up Soul Session.


Kind Words


"Living in this rhythm makes me feel like I'm really living my life."

"Palms up has changed the way I look at my life. It's given me freedom when I thought I was stuck."

"It seems so simple and it is. But it also asks something of me that's surprisingly difficult. But wow, have I learned so much about myself by practicing this rhythm."



The Inspiration


Dr. Elaine Heath teaches a contemplative stance that grounds her and in turn has been formational for many others. This rhythm of showing up, paying attention, cooperating with God and releasing the outcome is life-giving when we find ourselves out of sorts. It offers us many invitations to be free.

Bob Goff tells a great story in his book, "Love Does." As a lawyer, he tells his clients in depositions to place their hands palms up on their knees below the table. It's impossible to get defensive when your palms are open. Go ahead, try it! The position of our bodies reflects the position of our hearts.

In the mid 2000s, Jenny put those two concepts together and palms up took on a life of its own. Since then, many of us have found wisdom, direction and peace in this rhythm of life. Maybe it will serve you too.